anina's diaries website header. wellness, food, beauty, lifestyle. photos of the blogger, smoothie, acai bowl, and bedroom.

Welcome to My Wellness Blog

Hi, I’m Anina!

I’m a 20-something writer who’s rediscovered her passion for storytelling. I’ve been blogging for as long as I can remember. My love for beauty, style, wellness, and, of course, food led me to create Anina’s Good Eats, where I found my true calling in crafting, curating, and sharing content.

What started as a food & wellness blog has grown into something so much bigger—because at the heart of it all, writing is about connection. If my words resonate with even one person, then I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

selfie of me on a roof

Everyday wellness in food, beauty, fashion, and lifestyle.

Wellness, to me, encapsulates everything that makes me feel like my best self. It can be found in the recipes I make to nourish myself and the skincare & beauty products I use to feel my best on the outside. It’s in the outfits I wear to present myself to the world and the routines and hobbies I’ve adopted that bring me peace & joy. Wellness is subjective, which means it is achievable for everyone.

yogurt bowl with fruit and granola

Unique & Stunning Recipes

I think food is one of the most beautiful things on the planet, and I can’t escape my original passion, my food blog. I love to eat; but even more, I love to prepare delicious and stunning food. My recipes consist of nourishing, whole ingredients and can be made by anyone in any kitchen.

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girl with mirror applying blush

Curated Beauty & Style Reviews

I love to shop (I’m just a girl). But I also love making lists, finding the best deals, and recommending my favorites to my people. You know how Carrie Bradshaw said “shopping is my cardio”? Well, shopping is my research. And from here is where I present my findings.

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bedroom with made bed, side table with book, flowers, lamp

Personal Wellness & Lifestyle

What I like to call my “diary entries,” or things that take up space in my brain. I touch on topics like mental health and my personal journey to wellness. Because it’s definitely been a journey, and it’s only getting started.

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